
I recently published a new PowerShell module to help check that environment variables have been created for variables in an Azure DevOps Variable Group. And I called it Dreepy.

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How Does It Work?

Dreepy is a PowerShell module to verify Environment variables exist for all variables in a variable group that are attached to running build.

It can be run outside of a build pipeline, providing you specify the organisation, project, and build variables. By default these are set to environment variables in Azure DevOps -

Function Get-DreepyBuildDefinition{
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string]$buildDefinitionName = $env:BUILD_DEFINITIONNAME
Function Connect-DreepyAzDevOpsCli {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName='AzDo')][string]$organisationUri = $env:SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName='AzDo')][string]$Project = $env:SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$patToken

It can check either all of the Variable Groups that are attached to a build, or a subset of VariableGroups can be specified as an array when using the variable variableGroupNames on the cmdlet Assert-DreepyMissingEnvVars.

Is There a Naming Convention Expected of Variables?

Because some environment variables may have been created with a name different to the variable in the variable group with a prefix or a suffix, you can specify includeprefix or includesuffix. Add a variable to your variable group called dreepyprefix or dreepysuffix. The value of this variable is then used to prepend/append to each of the variables in the variable group to check for environment variables.

For example, if I have a variable group with three variables that are masked (var1 var2 var3) then I could pass in environment variables named the following and they would be found -


If I added a variable to the variable group called dreepyprefix and set the value as “scope-” it would search for the following environment variables:


If I added a variable to the variable group called dreepysuffix and set the value as “-domain” it would search for the following environment variables:


And if I used both dreepyprefix and dreepysuffix it would search for the following environment variables:


Why is This Necessary?

For each variable stored in a variable group, all variables have environment variables created for them with the exception masked variables. When masked variables are used in a script you have to create them as environment variables for them to be accessable in a script.

This manual step is a pain to remember, so Dreepy can be run as part of the step that makes use of the variables stored in the variable groups and checks that environment variables have been created.

Can You Just Not Create The Environment Variables Programmatically?

Despite much hacking I have not been able to get the values of the variable groups. So it is still very much a manual process. This includes both YAML and Classic pipelines. Sorry! The effort here was to make sure that when a variable was added to a variable group then the step to add an enviroment variable was not forgotten, as that seems to be the case in the process.

I Only Care About Variables with Masked Value…

Use the switch maskedValuesOnly on the cmdlet Assert-DreepyMissingEnvVars to only check for Environment Variables on variables that are masked.

How Do I Use It?

You will need to create a PAT Token with the READ Build Scope. Then you can log in using Connect-DreepyAzDevOpsCli. After that you grab the Build Definition of the current build and then check the variable groups.

Install-Module Dreepy -Scope CurrentUser -Force 
Connect-DreepyAzDevOpsCli -patToken $(patToken) 
$buildDefinition = Get-DreepyBuildDefinition
Assert-DreepyMissingEnvVars -buildDefinition $buildDefinition

Assert-DreepyMissingEnvVars has a reportingLevel setting, which by default is set to Info. It accepts two other settings Warning and Error. This means that you can fail on missing environment variables.

Any Limitations/Assumptions?

For each task in Azure DevOps, you can check for all variable group, or just one variable group of a build. However you cannot select a subset of variables stored in a variable group. You can specify prefix for one variable group, then suffix for another variable group, however you would need to specify the variable group.