(Apologies for the name change whilst I try to settle on something I like. All the good names on Twitter and Wordpress have gone…)

One name I wanted to settle on was the “Agile Administrator”. Nope, taken: that blog already exists. But whilst reading the aforementioned blog they were reviewing a book called “THE PHOENIX PROJECT: A NOVEL ABOUT IT, DEVOPS, AND HELPING YOUR BUSINESS WIN”. So I bought the book and read it. I enjoyed reading it as it is a fictional telling of a factual thing that happens in every business: How IT impacts, confuses, opposes and supports the entire business.

It amused me further because in my past I have worked at a flagging company whose management attempt to galvanize the workforce with the enticingly titled “Phoenix Project”, and I reckon that most companies have decided to nickname projects with exciting titles like “Phoenix” and “Alpha” etc.



I picked it up at Amazon Kindle Store and read it over a few nights. There’s a free sample in the store, so you can try before you buy.