
I’ve finally gotten around to adding proper support for VS2019-based projects. Back in May I added a variable to Invoke-MSBuildSSDT so that the path of msbuild could be passed in directly, instead of trying to find MSBuild. This was because at the point of me writing the function VS 2017 was the latest version. So this should work for all subsequent builds going forward.

And today I finally added ‘16’ as an option on the MSBuildVersionNumber, which makes things a little easier, and also added the function Install-VsBuildTools2019 that can be used to download and install MSBuildTools version 16, which is compatable with VS 2019. But today I also discovered vssetup.powershell, which I feel should be the preferred way of installing Visual Studio onto machines, because it is officially created by Microsoft.

I’ve also potentially fixed a long-standing whitespace issues around $workingFolder and $nugetPath I need to write more tests for this but I’m on Ubuntu currently and there’s lot of exe’s as this was written at a time when SSDT didn’t support Linux. IDK if it does or not now; it’s been a while since I have used SSDT.

It’s for that reason that I’m probably going to archive this project come the end of the year; it’s not part of my day job anymore to build and deploy databases, so it’s probably best to manage expectations and mothball the project properly rather than give the impression that I even want to continue putting effort into maintenance of this project, let alone actively develop it in my spare time. But there’s a few things to do before I press the big “archive” button; like write some more tests, publish code covereage results and automate documentation. Then at least if it does come out of archive I’ve got a better starting point, plus it’ll help give people a more informed choice as to whether to use an archived project or not.

The current version is 3.1.718.0 on PowerShellGallery.