Azure Data Lake Mounting Error
Hello! Last month I posted about the challenges of duration of releases getting tedious and what you can do about that. In a very similar theme, running a process like a build can also get tedious, and so you have to go looking for making improvements to a process before it really does start impeding people developing at a reasonable pace. I’m not going to repeat what I mentioned about three weeks ago, so go and have a read if you like, because what motivated me to make this change was getting bored of waiting for something to complete.
Hello! back in August I posted a “how to expose secrets in your VSTS pipelines” post that promised to do exactly that. Now funnily enough I have been playing around with Azure Databricks lately and looking into using both Azure Keyvault and Databricks-backed Secrets and Scoping and remembering my post from last month, I wondered if it was possible. Come to find out it is! I added secret to called bob to a scope stored in KeyVault and another called phoebe to a DataBricks-backed scope and I was able to print them out easily enough.